
It snowed !

How beautiful that is. It’s finally snowed! We absolutely love winter. You can capture a lot of beautiful motifs outside when there is snow. Thus, even a simple colorful sheet becomes a real eye-catcher. Partly there is still snow on it, partly you can see the different colors. Due to the snow in the background,

It snowed ! Read More »

⛄Dreamlike winter landscape: The Sauerland is so beautiful in winter (part 1)

Dreamlike winter landscape: The Sauerland is so beautiful All seasons have something to their right. However, winter still brings with it a unique special feature. When snow has spread on the landscape, everything automatically becomes calmer and more relaxed. This is not only because the snow insulates the sound. It can create a completely new

⛄Dreamlike winter landscape: The Sauerland is so beautiful in winter (part 1) Read More »

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