Costume ideas – so crazy are the costumes at Carnival 2018

Helau and Kölle alaaf, you jecken!
What about you this year? Are you celebrating carnival?

Clown, Indian, Vampire, Witch and many more… There really is a lot of disguises. At the beginning of the year, the search for a suitable costume often starts. Often you already have 2-3 costumes hanging in the closet, but sometimes you just have to come up with something new. Depending on what the costume is needed for. If you like to celebrate in clubs where it is full and hot, thin disguises are called for. If, on the other hand, you are more likely to be a fan of carnival parades, the costume may be warm and cuddly – or at least cut in such a way that you can still wear something thick underneath.

If you don’t have a suitable home, the Internet will be questioned. On countless pages you can buy carnival costumes. Someone should remember what he saw on the Internet. That is almost impossible. Unless you save the links to your favorite costumes.

Another extra tip for all fools: professional clothing shops or second-hand shops turn out to be a real treasure trove of costumes.

Especially popular this year are fancy 80s costumes.

Colourful and shrill, they attract all eyes, especially on the dance floor.

Huckepack costumes

are also a real eye-catcher. Whether it looks like you’re being carried by a gorilla or a unicorn in the end doesn’t matter. It’s funny in any case.

Steampunk costumes

are becoming more and more trendy. Modern and futuristic technical functions are combined with victorian-era means and materials, creating a fancy retro look.

More costume ideas for Carnival

Music: the right playlist for carnival

What would Carnival be without the right music? On Spotify you’ll find a lot of playlists: Check here!

Below you will find a party mix, with many classics by Wolfgang Petry, Jürgen Drews, Marcus Becker or Brings:

And here is a list for all party hit fans, with Peter Wackel, Ikke Hip Gold, Mickie Krause and many more:

  • And now, let the party start!





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