🌲 Merry Christmas 🌲 in 15 different languages

Christmas is one of the most important festivals all over the world and is of course also a special highlight for Christians. The birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated.

In addition to a Christmas atmosphere, many fundraisers and charity projects, gifts for loved ones and simply spending a nice and peaceful time together are connected with this in this day and age. Likewise, sending Christmas wishes is a traditional and beautiful custom for many people. We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas…

„Merry Christmas!“ – we say it in different languages

We tell you, your friends and family a total of 15x „Merry Christmas“ – in other languages:

German: Merry Christmas!
Danish: Édelig Jul!
English: Merry Christmas!
Finnish: Hyvää joulua!
French: Joyeux Noel!
Italic: Buon Natale!
Dutch: Zalig kerstfeest!
Norwegian: God Jul!
Polish: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia!
Portuguese: Boas Festas!
Romanian: Craciun Fericit!
Spanish: Feliz Navidad!
Swedisch: God jul!
Czech: Veselé Vénoce!
Turkish: Noeliniz kutlu olsun!

Many thanks to everyone with whom we have been able to work this year. Thank you for your trust in us. Be it a photo shoot or a purchase of one of the photo products.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to the coming year with you!


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